Contact Us
Thanks for reaching out. During business hours, the fastest way to reach out to us is by telephone at the numbers below. You can also submit an email request on the form below and we'll get back to you when we are able. Use of this form does not create an attorney client relationship, so do not share confidential details here.
We look forward to hearing from you!
110 East Cherry, Nevada, MO 64772
Email :
Tel : 417-408-8-LAW / 816-787-1979
Fax : 417-660-4501
Our Service Area
Bearden Law provides Criminal Justice and Family Law services in Bates, Vernon, Clay, Jackson, Cass, Henry, St. Clair, Benton, Cedar, Barton, Dade, Johnson, Lafayette, Ray, Carroll, Caldwell, Clinton, DeKalb, Daviess, and Livingston Counties in Missouri.
If our offices are further than you care to travel, we can work remotely.