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Zachary Griffith
Jul 29, 20222 min read
What is Double Jeopardy?
“… [N]or shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb…” The Fifth Amendment, U.S....
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Jovanna Bearden
Jun 4, 20221 min read
Bankruptcy 341 Meetings to remain virtual
"Back in my day! When you had a 341 meeting you had to go to the courthouse in person. You had to go through security, wait in a freezing...
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Jovanna Bearden
May 27, 20222 min read
A Foreclosure is scheduled, what can I do to stop it?
If you are reading this blog, you are looking for help. The first thing I want you to know is help is available, don’t wait to reach out...
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Jovanna Bearden
May 20, 20223 min read
How I started my first law firm
Way back in 2007, I was a starry eyed law school graduate. After moving across the country and passing not only one but two bar exams...
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Jovanna Bearden
May 14, 20222 min read
What is a Reaffirmation Agreement?
The 341 Meeting Information Sheet provides a great explanation of what a Reaffirmation Agreement is: “Even if a debt can be discharged,...
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Jovanna Bearden
May 7, 20221 min read
I’ve been sued, can I still wipe the debt out in Bankruptcy?
People are often worried that when a creditor sues them it’s too late for bankruptcy to help. Don’t worry, it’s not too late - you still...
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Jovanna Bearden
Apr 30, 20222 min read
I’ve been sued, is it too late to negotiate a settlement?
Many times when someone is sued they just want to pay the debt so the lawsuit will get dropped. I get tons of calls asking how to go...
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Zachary Griffith
Apr 29, 20223 min read
Why do I need a lawyer?
“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right… to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.” – The Sixth...
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Jovanna Bearden
Apr 23, 20222 min read
What can I do when my mortgage company makes an error?
Please Note! If the mortgage company’s error has caused a foreclosure to be scheduled do not wait to contact an attorney! You must act...
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Zachary Griffith
Apr 22, 20222 min read
You Can Say No
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall...
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Jovanna Bearden
Apr 16, 20222 min read
What happens at a Bankruptcy Court date and why is it called “Meeting of Creditors”?
Whether you file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will be required to attend at least one court date, and this is your Section...
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Jovanna Bearden
Apr 9, 20222 min read
What should I bring to a consultation about bankruptcy?
After scheduling that much anticipated first meeting with a bankruptcy attorney, you want to be prepared so you can get as much...
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Zachary Griffith
Apr 7, 20222 min read
What are the Miranda Rights? Appointed Counsel
“If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.” – The Miranda Warning “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall...
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Jovanna Bearden
Apr 2, 20222 min read
If I file a bankruptcy will I lose my house?
This is a very common question, and for good reason. You need a home, and you don’t want to jeopardize it trying to get out from under...
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Zachary Griffith
Mar 31, 20222 min read
What are the Miranda Rights? The Right to an Attorney
“…. You have the right to an attorney….” The Miranda Warning “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right… to have...
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Jovanna Bearden
Mar 26, 20222 min read
Do I make too much money to file a bankruptcy?
I get this question a lot, and the short answer is an attorney's favorite: "It depends." Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are impacted by...
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Jovanna Bearden
Mar 18, 20222 min read
What is Equity?
When you are planning on filing a bankruptcy, a question your attorney is going to talk to you about is the equity you have in your...
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Zachary Griffith
Mar 17, 20222 min read
What are the Miranda Rights? The Right to Remain Silent
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” – The Miranda Warning "No...
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Jovanna Bearden
Mar 12, 20222 min read
My car was repossessed, what can I do?
Are you worried because your car creditor has contacted you and threatened to repossess your car? Or maybe the worst has happened and you...
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Zachary Griffith
Mar 10, 20222 min read
What are the Miranda Rights? - Introduction
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an...
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